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Old 09-19-2011, 04:35 PM
sibelius sibelius is offline
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Originally Posted by restock View Post
I heard good things about the Hashimoto - are you using the H or H7 version?

I think Koetsu recommends a step-up with 1:10 ratio which is what their own step-up uses. Have you tried the Auditorium 23 (DL103 version) which is 1:10?
I have tried both the H and H7. The H gets you 85-90% of the performance of the H7 and is a wonderful value. The H7 is the very best Koetsu SUT I've heard so far in my rig.

The only Auditorium SUT I have used is the Hommage. May be interested in picking one up when I am finished with my Garrard 301/Ortofon SPU combo.

If you have a Koetsu, I'd recommend contacting John at Choir Audio. With a 30 day home demo available the only thing you will be out if you don't like it is shipping. Wish there were more opportunities like that these days.
Speakers: Tonian classic 12 (PHY driver) and Hawthorn Audio Trios (Open Baffle). Analog Source: Nottingham Ana-log, Garrard 301. Tonearms: SME 312S, SME M2-12R, Nottingham Unipivot. Cartridge: Koetsu Onyx, Lyra Helikon Mono, Ortofon SPU Classic. Digital Source: Eastern Electric Dac +. Electronics: Shindo Vosne Romane Preamp, 45,2A3,300B,F2a,GM70 SET amps, Atma-sphere S30 OTL, Dynaco ST-70, Shindo Haut-Brion
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Old 09-19-2011, 10:56 PM
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restock restock is offline
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Sibelius - thanks for the comments on the H vs. H7. I am using an Allaerts MC1B with the A23 step-up (DL103 version) into the MM input of my Shindo Monbrison. The Allaerts MC1B has a higher internal impedance (22Ohm) than the Koetsus (5Ohm) so I probably will need to use a lower step-up ratio.

Pretty happy with the A23 for now
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