Thread: 4K all the way
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Old 02-02-2019, 07:04 AM
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Congrats to all on their 4K experiences. It sounds awesome! I enjoy reading these posts.

I remember going to one of the Value Electronics annual shoot-outs and had a side-by-side comparison with 4K and 1080p at 65". I had to get very close to the screen before the differences were obvious, about 3 feet. No one (I hope) sits that close to their screen. The factors of screen size and distance are huge. Just as with 1080p and 720p, depending upon how far back you sat, the difference was hard to see.

I still have my Pioneer Elite PRO-111FD plasma, which is still kicking out the jams after almost 10 years. That's a 50" screen, and I've enjoyed its picture the whole time. Recently, the idea has crept into my mind that going to a larger screen would be nice, but given my situation that means a 55" set, no bigger. At the most recent shootout I attended (two yeas ago now) I preferred the Sony 4K OLED over LG's because the Sony had better video processing and sound, though I thought the LG had better color. As for content, my primary interest is in "special interest" type stuff and music, though I've been buying some of the latest superhero blockbusters on blu-ray. A new TV is one of four possible last-gasp upgrades before the reality of approaching retirement hits and such purchases make no practical (or financial) sense. For the record, the other three upgrades would be a new turntable, equipment racks or speakers.

That the 4K idea hasn't gone away may not be a good sign, and this thread's not going to help. Maybe I should just stay away .
SOTA, Grado, SME, Van den Hul, Gingko turntable setup; Pioneer Elite LD, BDP; Sony OLED TV; Magnum Dynalab tuner, antenna; MIT S-video cable; Pangea HDMI cables; DVDO video processor; McIntosh SACD, preamp, power amps; Telefunken Black Diamond preamp tubes; Kimber IC; Transparent IC, PC, SC; Mirage speakers; PS Audio, Shunyata PC; Audio Additives RCA caps; Furman power conditioning; Sanus: racks
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