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Old 06-09-2016, 07:30 AM
stereoquest stereoquest is offline
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Posts: 17


From the clips above it will be clear that there is no way you would use the same transformers for amplifiers with double the output. It will also be clear that the larger transformer has a reduced turns ratio and should incorporate thicker gauge winding's which will give :

1.)Wider bandwidth
2.)increased damping factor
3.) the increased damping will be over a wider bandwidth as well

By default the 275 will have the above over the LP140 and that is only in the output transformer.

Having owned both there is absolutely no contest - The LP275 wins hands down across all volumes . It has an ease of presentation that the smaller unit cannot not provide. I believe the LP275 to be a steal on the second hand market, there is nothing remotely close to it other than the ART mono's which are based on the LP275----(Input stage aside of course) .

In the case of the LP line of Amplifiers Bigger is without question better. In the case of the ART mono's output transformer compared to the LP275's -I believe them to be the same .
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