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Old 06-25-2014, 03:25 AM
BillK BillK is offline
Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: Colorado
Posts: 961

When you're spending this kind of money, you owe it to yourself to audition them all, even if you have to fly around the country a bit (what's a $300 ticket when you're considering purchasing a $50K+ pair of speakers? ;-))

Me? The Alexia had just been released so I was not able to obtain a home demo, but I'm not for a moment sad I decided on the Vivid Giya G2s.

I've been very impressed with the Alexia when I've heard it at shows and dealers, and it's actually a bit less expensive than the Vivids, so it's definitely worth the time to compare.

I haven't heard the Rockports in a while, and the Magicos (at least those in a competitive price range) just have never done it for me.
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