Thread: I2s
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Old 12-10-2018, 07:02 AM
Andrei Andrei is offline
Join Date: Jan 2014
Posts: 41
Default I2s

Here's an interesting option guys: Try using the I2S connection to your W4S DAC!

I stumbled across Pink Faun. They have a product called Audio Bridge. It is a PCI-E card and plugs into a PCI-E slot. It is powered by a molex connector though there are other options. There is also a choice of connectors. I chose HDMI because W4S use that connector type on the back of their DAC. Note that this is not an HDMI connection - it is I2S. The cable just happens to be an HDMI cable.

This is a worthwhile job. It makes a small but noticeable difference for the better. The theoretical benefit is that you avoid converting 12S to USB (or Spdif etc) and then back again.
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