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Old 03-22-2019, 02:03 PM
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Originally Posted by S40Owner View Post
Not sure if the e600/650 can bring out the full capabilities of the S40
How loud can it go to have clipping?
I always thought dynaudios are hungry n require consider amp power to bring out the s40’s full potential
Hi S40Owner,
The E650 put out 60 Watts AB at 4 ohms; puts out pure Class A power up to 30 watts....that is a fair bit, and more than enough to drive reasonably efficient speakers to quite loud SPLs. The S40s are fairly efficient at 86 dB/watt. That means you only need 1watt of power to produce 86 dB of SPL.

I recently did a little experiment, and found that ~80% of the music I listen to was on average, between 65-75dB. 95% is at an SPL range of 65-80dB. I was listening to some Stevie Ray Vaughan the other night, and it was getting pretty loud, and I was seeing spikes of SPL between 80-83 dB. Bottom line: I'd never be listening at 86 dB, even for short periods of time, let alone for the duration of an entire song.

The SPLs at a given power output will be dependent on room size and how far you sit from the speakers, of course, but before you spend a lot of money on a more powerful amp, I'd get an inexpensive SPL meter and take some readings of what the SPLs are at your listening position for the range and SPLs you normally listen to for the content you listen to. You might be surprised how little power is actually being used for your normal listening levels.

Given you have 30 watts of pure class A power at your disposal, I'm fairly confident your Accuphase can drive the S40s to SPLs that are considerably louder than you'd want to listen to without clipping.

So, I'd recommend this course of action: get an SPL meter, sit down, and listen at your normal content at the levels you listen to, and take some reasonably complete notes. If you're llistening to content consistently at SPLs louder than 86 dB (which I doubt) and you find that your amp is consistently clipping only then would I consider getting a more powerful amp. Personally, I wouldn't spend money on gear based on hypotheticals, I'd gather some data and make a decision based on the content I listen to and the SPLs I listen to, and maken an informed decision based on that.

A new Accuphase is going to cost a lot of money; no need to spend money on an amp you don't need, that money could be used instead for going to concerts or buying musical content.
Lumin P1 streamer/DAC/preamp, Constellation Inspiration integrated TT: Michell Gyro SE MkII, SME V, Koetsu Urushi Vermilion, EAR324. Harbeth 30.2s, REL R-305, Shunyata Alpha V2 ICs, Alpha V2 SPs, Sigma XC, Sigma NRv2, Omega QR-s & Alpha NRv2 PCs, segmented Altaira SG stack w/ Alpha & Omega CGCs, Everest 8000 PD. Remote Server Room: Uptone EtherREGEN, AfterDark Master Clock & LPS, Alita, Battle Angel, (Akasa NUC Roon Core), iFi DC Purifiers (for SMPS used for Alita & router), Shunyata Gemini combo power distributor & Altaira-type CG GP-NR hub, Venom & Alpha CGCs, Shunyata NRv14 power cords for digital components.
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