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Old 04-25-2020, 05:33 PM
PHC1 PHC1 is offline
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I don’t agree with you Charles. Nothing in science is a waste. If a theory or a hypothesis leads to a discovery, great, if not there are still lessons learned.

As to not being able to prove a theory... never say never. What’s impossible today may just be possible tomorrow. We are surprised by many things every year.

What would change if we were to prove other dimensions? Hmmm... one never knows as those experiments someday may lead to yet new discoveries that could change things as we know it. Could we live without ever proving or knowing the “many worlds theory” or the simulated reality theory, etc... I suppose we could, Homo sapiens got along just fine without electricity, radio, tv, internet, the atomic bomb and a whole bunch of the other “theoretical” stuff that became a part of everyday life.

As to your own question about optimum bit assignments to our DNA. I suppose the Anunnaki would have the best answer for that since they created our DNA. You can clearly see the double helix in the ancient sculpture and clay tablets of the Sumerian culture that brought us many things we use to this day.

Last edited by PHC1; 04-25-2020 at 05:38 PM.
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