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Old 05-25-2017, 03:30 AM
a2k2000 a2k2000 is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2011
Posts: 27

Thank you very much for the detailed response Mr.Tanner. You and your company stand a testimony to what excellent customer service is all about. I do have one question just to make sure I am reading things correctly as I was a bit confused after reading your USB upgrade brochure which states

"SP-3 with version 2/3 or 4 main board replaced with version 5 main board can beupgrade to STEREO plus SURROUND MODES PCM 192/24 as well as STEREOplus SURROUND MODES DSD for $1500"

My unit is one of early ones manufactured which does not have a 4K board. My setup is such where I send the 4K output directly to my projector from the video HDMI out of my Oppo and the audio out via the second HDMI out to the Bryston's HDMI input. (The Oppo is the only input source to the Bryston. I am kind of using the processor more more it's superb preamp abilities than anything else).

1. Upgrade it to the latest 4K board (1000USD) along with the full USBX upgrade with the main board 5 upgrade(1500USD). If I go this route it is clear to me that if I send in a DSD 2 Channel bitstream through the HDMI port on the Bryston then the bryson is capable of decoding it by sending it to the USBX. What happens when I send in a multichannel DSD bitstream input to the Bryston through the HDMI input port. Is it capable of sending this directly to the USBX board and can the DAC on the USB board do a direct Multichannel DSD to analog conversion.

2. If the HDMI input cannot accept and process multichannel DSD then can I go the route of just doing a full USBX upgrade for 1500USD and then send in a multichannel DSD bitstream via the USB input. In this case again can the DAC on the USB board do a direct Multichannel DSD to analog conversion.

3. If the DAC on the USBx board is incapable of doing a direct DSD to analog conversion is my assumption correct that it will convert the DSD to 192KHz PCM and then do the analog conversion.
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