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Old 05-20-2015, 06:48 AM
Mr_Sukebe Mr_Sukebe is offline
Join Date: Apr 2013
Location: London
Posts: 143
Default The LPS upgrade for 861 users

Rather inconveniently, the SMPS died in my 861v4 three weeks ago.
Whilst I was partly a little aggrieved, the other side of me was substantially more happy, as it was a good excuse to replace the dead SMPS with a new linear power supply, something which is generally considered a good thing on the Meridian forums.

Either way, took it to my local dealer (I'm located in the UK) and a week later it was back with a new LPS and my wallet was somewhat thinner.

So, the changes?
Wasn't sure if it was going to be one of those "subtle" changes (in other words imperceptable) or not.
Turned out the answer was most definitely in the camp of VERY obvious.

Sound was smoother, and the amount of textures definitely improved, with for example, far better inflections within vocal work. In short, an improvement in low level detail.

If you've not already done this, it really is worth the cost. I'd say the difference was like moving from a G68 to the 861v4.
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