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Old 09-05-2019, 10:22 PM
Parabellum Parabellum is offline
Join Date: Jul 2012
Location: Québec, Canada
Posts: 823
Default Just purchased a whole lot of CDs for cheap...


Yesterday I saw an ad in the local online flea market about a bunch of CDs for sale. Interesting The charming lady was only asking 50 cents each and few were sold so I contacted her and asked her how many CDs she had and that I would be interested in buying the whole lot. Turns out she had about 190, and she asked me 50$ (in CA dollars!, about 38$US) so today I went there with my son and I purchased everything. All the CDs are pretty much in mint condition and she even took the time to sort them in alphabetical order in the box. Someone who takes care..

When you think about it, that's about 25 cents for each CD. There is a bit of everything and off course not everything is to my tastes but even if only 25-30 are considered good enough, it's still a good deal.

Now I think about it, how times have changed. I remember as a teenager 30 years ago, the CDs were behind glass at the local record store as if it was a precious item. At that time, people were just trashing their vinyl collection and you could buy them at any garage sale for next to nothing. I see the same trend happening with CDs now that everyone has accepted (almost) to pay for their music with the online streaming trend. People just get rid of them for cheap. Fortunately for me, I prefer to have the original CD and rip it to my standards and store it on the onboard SDD of my Bryston BDP-2. So I now keep my eyes peeled for some CD lot for sale.
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