Thread: CP-900 requests
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Old 07-26-2017, 09:37 PM
Patrick Butler Patrick Butler is offline
Join Date: Oct 2011
Posts: 286

Hi Mike-48,

Clearly stated, I think it means that the kind of user experience created by products like the CP-800 needs to be reevaluated. Nobody has questioned the fidelity of the products that were in development, but that alone is no longer sufficient in the world we live in today.

Sorry to be vague about what "user experience means", but if you've had time with a CP-800, then the natural question is "is this the best we can do?" Are we offering all the right features, do we make the experience of interacting with the product pleasurable or frustrating? That sort of thing. Frankly, I'm happy that people are asking these kinds of questions.

What will we see in the future from Classé? I couldn't hazard a guess. That said, nothing great begins with asking the wrong questions. We'd like to ask the right ones.


B&W Group North America

Originally Posted by Mike-48 View Post

Thanks for the reply to this. Since you asked, I do have questions, the main one being: what does that statement mean, other than "don't hold your breath for new Delta products"?

Is development in haitus while the line is rethought? Is development permanently canceled? And "the experience people have come to expect"? Why wouldn't new products deliver that? Inadequate sound quality? wrong feature set? poor user interface?

The wording seems as bland and uninformative as possible. Could more light be shed on it in this forum? Or should we wait for a fuller public announcement from B&W Group?

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