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Old 04-04-2015, 10:18 AM
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Originally Posted by gaboudreaux View Post
Novice question here. I'm familiar with looking at watts and ohms when judging what amps are capable of, but what do you look for in the technical specs to determine the amps current?

I have the Amati Futura and VX-5 and have no complaints with the bass. I feel it's clean and has adequate slam for my taste, but would prefer the mid to high frequency range to open up a bit more.
Some but not all amplifier manufacturers report Output Current expressed in Amperes, and they may report either Mean Weighted or Peak current levels but not all do, so that's a harder spec to find out typically but you can call the manufacturer or the dealer and see if they can provide you with that info. More importantly is to ask the manufacturers and the dealers their opinion about whether a particular amplifier matches well with a particular speaker given the specs and most important is to hear for yourself. As Bill mentioned in his answer above, he's heard the Ref 75 with the Amati Futuras many times (Bill Peugh used to be a senior executive with Sumiko Audio and is known as the Sonus Faber speaker whisperer for his skill in setting up SF speakers for SF dealers and clients and is now Managing Director at Transparent Audio so let's just say he knows his stuff ) and it delivers on most fronts but it did give out on ultimate oomph in bass region and in dynamics, and if you have a big room that will put even a bigger demand on the amplifier. Ultimately it all depends on what sonic attributes you prize most highly and how hard you are going to drive the amp (how far away you are going to sit in your largish room and how loudly you will want to play the speakers).

Good luck and let us know how you make out when you audition the speakers with the Ref 75 and other amps.
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