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Old 08-23-2014, 04:31 PM
Vhiner Vhiner is offline
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Posts: 342

Originally Posted by turntable View Post
Thank you for the review, very informative. One man question is. The cj350sa was a very high gain amp and in my experience just a little to noisy and that noise could be seen as a_bit of edge and that was it biggest fault IMO. How is the new amp as far as noise for and overall noise floor. It seems that the new amp is a little tighter in the bass, more neutral through the MIDs anspd has that classic ck upper frequency sweetness and extension. I could be reading that wrong? BTW, as a owner of the ART1, ART3, GAt and 350 twice, the overall impression of the Teflon calls being lean or similar is incorrect. Yes they take an age to break in. But once they do, they sound like or running water. The non Teflon cap versions soud grainy in comparison.

With my equipment, I would have to say that I noticed the 2550SE provided a slightly "blacker" background than my PR350. I had no means of making noise floor measurements though.
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