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Old 10-19-2020, 11:31 AM
PHC1 PHC1 is offline
Join Date: Apr 2009
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With theaters being pretty much a distant memory now (they already were on their way out since the powerhouses of “On Demand” streaming/watching came to be), technically the “what to watch, when to watch and how much to watch” is left up to the viewer to decide now. Therefore anything is possible?

I can’t speak for the masses but I would be very surprised if today’s average viewer would like the idea of even a few minutes of an Overture without something moving on the screen. Perhaps an overture video of an orchestra then? Slim chance of acceptance but maybe

The culture is different now. Can’t expect the people to like something from 50 years ago let alone 300.

Oh how wonderful the silent movies must have been with a piano or a fortepiano accompaniment...

Here are two professions guaranteed to put one on “social benefits” today. The Silent Film score composer and the Silent Film Pianist.
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