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Old 01-29-2011, 01:08 AM
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Tinnitus Tinnitus is offline
Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: Memphis, Tn.
Posts: 47

Hello all future hearing aid consumers. My definition of music is the heart of our soul that tells the story of our life in ways that we cant. It's still one of the only things that can make my cry other than the loss of a child and has always been a passion. My name is Terry from Memphis Tennessee. I'm a married 57 year old disabled guy that got punished for some reason with a broken back in 03. I have been looking at this awesome site for 8 hours and had to sign up because I got the ITCH after my son left and now I have my room back. LOL This site is huge. I hope I can figure it out.

I am a certified Chef and got out of that in the mid 80s because the hours didn't work out with a family. I got into automotive because we have to like cars and liked working with my hands and enjoy people. I don't get out much anymore and still cook every day and I love a good cigar. My last decent system being from the 70s, I started looking a month ago and decided "We're NOT in Kansas anymore"! I am shocked at what's out there now while I wasn't looking.

My first good system I got in 1977 was an Ampzilla II with a Theadra pre amp, A Kenwood KD 5070 marble turntable and a pair of Tympani I-Cs. I thought I had died and gone to heaven being 24. I sold my system when he was born in 86 to help buy a bigger house. You would think that in a town of almost a million people now, there would be more than ZERO equipment shops here. Some how I ended up with another pair of Magneplanar MG-IIbs I found on Ebay for $275 that needed to be re-glued. Now I need the rest of the story. I'm kinda looking at a MC-2155 count down that I don't know anything about. I hope you guys are patient because I have a lot of knowledge to share about everything BUT audio equipment. You have everything I need to know about that, and I can only do this once. I look forward to being part of the group and know it's tough being a noob.
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