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Old 05-07-2018, 04:23 PM
mulveling mulveling is offline
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Originally Posted by johndoe21ro View Post
I'd bet my money on the NRG-WEL against the Hurricane (but not when used with any high-current equipment such as integrated or power amps)...
I've used to own NRG-WEL and I think that Hurricane performs better on such gear.
Yes, you're probably right. A while ago I compared Hurricane to WEL NRG on my REF 6 preamp, and it was very close overall, with some small advantages to the WEL. I'm just riding high of the unexpectedly impressive monobock 'Canes upgrade, and now wondering "what else can be done?".

The biggest next upgrade would probably be putting Dragon HC's on the monoblocks, but that's just FAR too expensive in the 2.0m and 1.25m lengths required (13K). So other than filling out in all 'Canes and seeing whether magic synergy happens, I could consider one of the following:
  • Dragon Source on VAC phono or REF 6. But then, does the REF 6 need an HC or Source? The Dargon Source is only 16 gauge vs. the WEL NRG's 13. And though the VAC is perfect for the Source, would the fact that it uses a hard-wired umbilical cable dilute the Dragon's effect?
  • Dragon HC 1.0m from Niagara 7000 to Wall. But I feel like the amp cords had a much bigger impact than when I upgraded the wall cord from NRG-1000 to NRG WEL and then Hurricane.

Dang, I'd kill to hear Dragons all-round my system, but that's just beyond my pay grade.
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