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Old 07-04-2016, 11:34 PM
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cmalak cmalak is offline
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Originally Posted by Cohibaman View Post
So you're saying that all guns and all people are stupid? That's far from the truth.
Not all guns are stupid. Not all people are stupid. You are right. But as Dan said, people who have no business handling guns and don't have the training, the maturity, and the understanding of how dangerous guns are when improperly handled are to be kind - morons, brain dead, dumb asses, etc...pick your adjective.

I get that there are a lot of responsible gun owners, many of them here on AA. But there are also tons of people who have no business handling guns.

I know this will end up being a political anti-gun vs. pro-gun debate. I happen to be in the anti camp. I have no intention of foisting my opinion on others. I grew up in a country that was in the midst of a civil war and I saw guns all around me and I have seen the destruction that arms (small to big caliber) can do. I have no interest in having any weapon but that's just me.
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