Thread: C2600....
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Old 03-22-2017, 01:49 PM
scapa scapa is offline
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Posts: 69

Originally Posted by crwilli View Post
Here is one opinion.

Buy a C2300 and then the DAC of your choice. As that technology advances every year, if not faster, you have options on DACs.

A C2300 and a TEAC UD503 would be a great start.
This is good advice. Having auditioned the C47, C22/C2300 and C2600, I went for the C22. I preferred both tube models to the C47 and prefer the ergonomics of the C22, since RCs of all types disappear in our house.

Both the C22 and 2600 were socially superior in my system to the D100 used directly into my MC275. I now have a Schiit Yggdrasil DAC running into the C22 and the sound through my Harbeths is absolutely mesmerizing. I like the flexibility of an outboard DAC, but a built-in is certainly more convenient -- neither option is a bad one. My experiences with the D100 convinced me to look to other manufacturers for a DAC. Otherwise I could easily have opted for the 2600 and its larger array of inputs/outputs, etc.

For me, any differences between these three preamps have to do with preference since they're all superb-sounding. And in my case, the C22 was available as an ex-dem at a substantial discount. Case closed.
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