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Old 01-13-2019, 10:02 PM
Charles Charles is online now
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Originally Posted by Apexorca View Post
Thank you Charles! I think it's great fun to climb this mountain. Krell 350Mc are not ment to replace Gryphon Antileon signature. At least until now, when 350Mc are not broken in jet, they are behind Gryphon due to my taste. They are at bit thinner in sound over all and brighter. Gryphon has got more air and tube like timbre. Voices are warmer and has got more natural voicing. The mid bas power is better with slightly mor dynamic, but the lower frequencies are not as powerful as in Gryphon. But the great power and extraordinary control from 350Mc when playing very loud is great fun. Krell can sometimes in some recordings be a bit harsh compared to Gryphon with brass instruments. Though, I think this will be better during the break in period.

I had to do something about my curiosity about my assumption that especially older well made poweramps are still very good and can compete up against new produced high quality poweramps. Off course they have to be refurbished and that is not to expensive actually.

For example I have owned a Krell Evo amp as well but I think FPB is more fun to listen to.

I'm looking forward to read about your efforts in your system. It must reproduce music extraordinary.
Apexorca, it is very good to make your acquaintance. I think you are exactly correct about some vintage equipment. The Krell equipment was designed by Dan D'agostino when a much younger man. Might I suggest you look for a couple (maybe even four) of his Master Reference mono amps. These will be totally competitive with his Relentless amps of today. Probably superior to anything on the market today. I appreciate your encouragement. I think it is wonderful how folks that live in different countries, of different phases in life, can appreciate the common ground that music and high end audio provides. Again I think you are on the right track with all your choices and I love your choice of speaker. I will try to get my system up.
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