Thread: AC Wall Outlets
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Old 03-16-2019, 05:30 PM
Beet Farmer Beet Farmer is offline
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Posts: 115

I used to have ordinary but good Pass & Seymour heavy duty 20 amp duplex on all my AC lines.Good enough.(never too much a believer in AC stuff beyond a power conditioner, and cheap aftermarket power cords. (Pangea is my best)
Last year i was upgrading a lot of things. One of which was AC Duplex. After reading all the ad copy.. I decided to buy some with were made from the ground up as audiophile.. (plus the innards pure copper, with springs, instead of copper alloy) Not an ordinary outlet jazzed up to be audiophile.
So I bought a few (3) Furutech GTX-D.. 2 Gold, and one Rhodium NCF.
Right off better sound, so I bought a few more, then a few more, and ended up replacing 17 duplex, including inside my Furman REF20 and PS Audio P-600 conditioners.
The Rhodium take a very long annoying time to break in. So if you buy, buy them pre-'cooked'. !! you will be glad you did.
For me this was a once and done forever deal. So I have no idea how the Furutech stack up against other $$$ audiophile outlets. I can say the Furutech make a amazing gain in clarity, and quiet background. And the allowed me to find more ways to improve the system AC
Would I buy them again? Hell Yes!
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