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Old 03-09-2014, 04:12 PM
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antipop antipop is offline
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I've been reading a lot of finance book/novels. The recent read were:
Liar's poker -> story of a young college kid entering the world of finance and fixed income during the junk bond heyday and arbitrage.
Lords of finance -> extremely fascinating novel about the head of the central bank of the US, Germany and UK before, during and after WWI including the lead to 29 and the aftermath. I really enjoyed this one and give you insight into how each country is reacting today
Too big too fail -> very well documented of the back story behind the TARP and the timing during the crisis and how people reacted. I didn't enjoy it as much as Street Fighters
Street fighters -> the story of Bear Sterns and what led to their fall. I really loved this one. It is fast paced, you really get the sense of urgency and people fighting against something bigger than them.
When genius failed -> the rise and fall of LTCM filled with hubris and oversized ego. It shows that Wall Street is a humbling place and the star of the day can fall as fast as he rose.

I'm currently reading The Snowball, the biography of Warren Buffett. It's a big book which takes you from his birth and childhood, to his first work experience to today. It's very well documented with a lot of references. I'm really enjoying it even though it's making me change my opinion on Buffett.
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