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Old 10-11-2019, 05:24 PM
Chaddycakes Chaddycakes is offline
Junior Member
Join Date: Oct 2019
Posts: 3

Oops, forgot to actually say what I’m recording. Everyday, I touch over 100 DATs from a major broadcasting company and run them through Sony PCM-7040s and PCM-R500s. I hear a lot of 1k test tones, no I mean a lot...

We get a lot of “interesting” programs. For example, yesterday I transferred a sexual education lecture that included the use of a very inappropriate slide whistle. Oh, I remember recently hearing a children’s choir singing a refrain of “Die! Pussy, Die!” Sometimes you find gems that get stuck in the Hold Folder.

I’d get in trouble if I published these recordings, but nonetheless, no one told me to not talk about them. My favorite jobs are from Native Canadian societies that let their tapes freeze. Oh, they want them brought up to pitch. Can you identify the Inuit language in reverse? I can...
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