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Old 08-23-2014, 02:56 PM
HiFiCrossFit HiFiCrossFit is offline
Join Date: Dec 2012
Location: South East Texas
Posts: 574

This is something I do that might be helpful. I, probably like most of you here on AA, spend many hours reading forums and reviews. I have a document I have created that lists everything I own and it's worth. I also have a list of everything I want to add to my system in the order I want it added. Each item on this list has received hours and hours of thought and reading. I have systematically chipped off piece by piece on this list and it has been extremely rewarding. When the list is complete I truly believe it will be a system that I could spend the rest of my life with. Sure I'm just as curious and hungry for cool things as the next guy but I have always had the ability to know exactly what it is I am looking for and have learned to be very content when I get there. My end goal is to depart from thinking about my gear at all and spend all my energy collecting and listening to music.
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