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Old 10-25-2020, 05:19 PM
premierm premierm is offline
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Default Breaking in the X

Well, I took delivery of the Sabrina X a week ago. Amazingly both boxes fit inside my vehicle, and bringing the boxes into the living room was straightforward with the help of my kids and placed the speakers where my KEF LS-50 and Sonus Faber Guarneri's usually are in my room.

First couple of days it was horrible, shouty high frequencies, average imaging, not much depth, very different than my experience at the dealer. Compared to my other speakers, I thought this was not much better and thought I had made a mistake.

So day three I started moving the speakers in the room, thanks to my dealer Entertainment Technology for letting me use their WA sliders, and things started to improve. The imaging was improving, the treble was starting to be less shouty, bass is not a concern for me yet, I could start hearing into the recordings. And then, I changed speaker cables from Audioquest Gibraltar to Audio Analysis silver, and boom, it was like a contractor came by and demolished my front wall. Oh my, such depth! Sure, I lost the body of the instruments a bit, but the speakers disappeared like no other speaker I've had in my room before. And believe me, I have switched speaker cables with my speakers before, but never this type of change.

Now after a week of playing pretty much all day, the speaker continues to improve in all areas. Speaker placement is as always critical, but the ease of the music presented in the stage is soooo good, I cannot tell if the speaker are working because all I hear is music. Push the speaker closer to the front wall increases the bass but makes the high frequencies too directional, bring them farther away and you loose bass but gain depth. Compared to my other speakers, the Sabrinas X tell you exactly what effect a simple change will make, even if the change is just inches.

And right now, this is my biggest take with the Sabrina X, if I change my Luxman integrated to line straight, loudness, or none of the above, I hear the change immediately. it's not a "I kind of hear a difference" but a "whoa" that was a change! The Sabrinas are that revealing. And to make things better from past WA speakers, to me at least, I do not have to have my head on a brace to get the most out of them. Whether I am sitting in the listening chair or relaxing at the end of my living room typing a post in this newsgroup, the music is just there, and it just keeps getting better every day.

So a week in, no regret, these are not only keepers, but I think this is my end game. I will let them cook about a month before I have the dealer come in and set them up. Then, it will be a cable change here, room treatment there, and slowly get the sound the way I want to. That is part of this audiophile world.

Very happy with the Wilson Audio Sabrina X. They just disappear and the music just lives in the air. Fantastic. More later as the weeks pass by.

Last edited by premierm; 10-25-2020 at 05:43 PM.
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