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Old 08-08-2011, 02:27 PM
Tonepub Tonepub is offline
Join Date: Apr 2009
Posts: 1,764

I have plenty of "experience" with the gear. You forget that I do this for a living and have had the opportunity to hear pretty much everything there is.

As for my negativity, it's more skepticism. If you've been paying any attention at all, we've never written a really negative review about anything. If we think something is truly awful, we send it back to the mfr.

And as far as "respect" I think we're talking about two different things.

Last of all, please don't put words in my mouth. You know nothing about me, my system, or my business. That's obvious. If you want to be a Shindo fanboy and worship them, that's great it's still a free country for a little while.

I don't worship anyone's gear. I just listen to it and report what I hear. If that's of use to you great. If it isn't, then it isn't.

We started out on this path with curiosity. Again, you weren't paying attention. And as for respect, that has to be earned. So far, the only person in this cult of personality that's earned my respect is the person that's volunteered to get on a plane with their preamp (at my expense) and give it a listen in my environment.

When was the last time you saw Art Dudley do that?

Yeah, I thought so.

This is why these forums all become so boring. Everyone gets their panties in a knot because someone doesn't think they have the best toys. If you love your Shindo stuff, that's great because you've found the system you love. If I wanted a complete Shindo system tomorrow I could buy one. And it wouldn't be the most expensive gear I own.

As far as the negativity goes, I've put up with your negativity for months now on practically every post I've made that doesn't agree with your opinions, so I doubt you will agree with anything I have to say about Shindo other than that it's the most amazing stuff in the world.

We've never bashed anyone elses products and we won't bash Shindo either. Grow up.
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